Outcomes - EON

Changes to EON for 2023: EON is moving! On January 2, EON will be avialable at outcomes.force.com/agencies. Beginning at the end of the day on December 15, EON will be offline until we launch again at the new website.

NCFAS trainingsIARCA staff recorded several trainings on how to use NCFAS in EON. They are all available anytime on demand.


The IARCA Outcome Measures Project (IOMP) was originally developed and implemented with the support of the Indiana Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges to assure referral / funding sources, providers, and clients that IARCA agencies would continually assess the strengths and limitations of their programs. IOMP was established in 1998. A web-based software program, EON®, allows easy access and monitoring of outcome data through the production of real-time individual agency outcome reports.

The primary aim of IOMP is to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and services provided to children and families by IARCA member agencies. Outcome measures are Clinical, Functional, Effectiveness of Placement, Consumer Satisfaction, Risk Factors, and Services Provided. Data measurement occurs at intake, discharge, follow-up at 6 months, and follow-up at 12 months.

External evaluators analyze and interpret the data, developing an Annual Report and Executive Summary with cross-year comparison of data. Additionally, there have been several Special Report Briefs focusing on specific topics of interest.

Member agencies benefit by comparing their agency results to benchmarks and statewide outcome results. Additionally, there are many stakeholders outside member agencies that benefit from IOMP. IOMP has been used to inform public policy, advocate with legislative stakeholders, and to collaborate with other system partners.


IARCA Special Report Brief Did You Know? 

  • Overall, parent rights terminated across all program types was 17.5%.  Parent rights terminated for both parents across all programs was 10.9%.  (IARCCA Outcome Measures Project, 2012 Annual Report)
  • The number of prior placements is a variable for outcomes.  A considerably higher number of placements, nine or more, were associated with more likely negative outcomes in the areas of clinical, functional, and placement outcomes.  (IARCCA Outcome Measures Project, Special Report II – 2004)
  • A positive educational outcome at discharge was noted for the majority of youth.  The percentage range per program type was between 74.6% and 89.1%.  (IARCCA Outcome Measures Project, 2012 Annual Report)